Sunday, July 20, 2008

Una cosa por otra: H. pilory protects children from asthma

H. pilory es una bacteria que en humanos puede causar gastritis y úlceras, sin embargo, recientemente se ha encontrado que tanto en adultos como en niños las presencia de H. pilory disminuye el riesgo de asma. Esto nos lleva a pensar que al erradicar esta bacteria estamos dejando más susceptible a la población humana de desarrollar asma

"Among teens and children ages 3 to 19 years, carriers of H. pylori were 25 percent less likely to have asthma."

The impact was even more potent among children ages 3 to 13: they were 59 percent less likely to have asthma if they carried the bacterium, the researchers report. H. pylori carriers in teens and children were also 40 percent less likely to have hay fever and associated allergies such as eczema or rash."

"These results, which follow on from similar findings in adults published by the same authors last year, are based on an analysis of data gathered from 7,412 participants in the fourth National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES IV) conducted from 1999 to 2000 by the National Center for Health Statistics"

"Asthma has been rising steadily for the past half-century. Meanwhile H. pylori, once nearly universal in humans, has been slowly disappearing from developed countries over the past century due to increased antibiotic use, which kills off the bacteria, and cleaner water and homes"

1 comment:

Ulises said...

Hablando de sacrificar cosas por otras...

Dos parasitos causantes de la malaria (Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi) usan la protina DARC (Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines)para invadir celulas sanguineas.
Se detectó que la poblacion africana resistente a la malaria es debido a la perdida de la proteina DARC, al menos para estos dos parasitos. Sin embargo, la perdida de esta proteína hace mas suceptible a estos individuos de contraer el VIH.