Este es un articulo interesante. Existe una correlacion entre la clase social de los padres y la mortalidad de los hijos despues de los 60 años, independientemente de la vida que hayan llevado.
Es decir, los hijos de padres de clase socioeconomica mas baja tienen mayor mortalidad, independientemente de si luego cambian de clase social, son adoptados, etc. La discusion es de si esta es genetico (lo cual seria catastrofico) o tiene que ver con el ambiente uterino.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Does Gender Matter?- Barres, Nature, 2006
Does Gender Matter?
A Commentary by Ben A. Barres, NAture Vol 442, pg 133, 13th July 2006
Prof. Barres should be commended for a frank, honest and, at times, personal reflection on the notion that women are not advancing in science because of innate inability. The sentiment that women make bad scientists because of a lack of aptitude has been publicized several times lately most famously by Harvard University president Larry Summers, in an essay by Peter Lawrence and the work of Simon Baron-Cohen.
Men are allegedly better equipped to do science because of their abilities to systematize, analyze and be more forgetful of others. Women empathise and are communicative and caring by comparison. This view is disputed in this article, and an alternative set of hypotheses proposed.
Barres proposes that women are not advancing in science because of discrimination. This discrimination is intrinsic within society and occurs at every level for women. It includes girls being told that competitive sports make them too masculine, that girls don’t do science, and also involves women’s achievements being less recognized than men’s. For example, one study found that women applying for research grants needed to be 2.5 times more productive than men in order to be considered equally competent. It is also noted (and rightfully so) that women are as guilty of discriminating against other women as men are.
Lets take action then, and start ending this discrimination. Barres suggests a series of steps:-
1. Make academic and scientific institutions have more diverse leadership.
2. Run fair job searches, based on merit on an even playing field.
3. Speak out. End discrimination by speaking out against prejudice and being responsible for your own actions. Support those who do speak out.
4. Enhance fairness in any competitive scenarios. Awards, grant competitions, promotion competitions must be conducted fairly and by a diverse committee.
5. Teach young scientists the skills they need to thrive – self confidence, a strong sense of fairness, being a presence in a room, giving great presentations and dealing with academics.
Science may be a ‘popularity contest’ but if we all get together we can do something about it.
¿Qué opinan?
A Commentary by Ben A. Barres, NAture Vol 442, pg 133, 13th July 2006
Prof. Barres should be commended for a frank, honest and, at times, personal reflection on the notion that women are not advancing in science because of innate inability. The sentiment that women make bad scientists because of a lack of aptitude has been publicized several times lately most famously by Harvard University president Larry Summers, in an essay by Peter Lawrence and the work of Simon Baron-Cohen.
Men are allegedly better equipped to do science because of their abilities to systematize, analyze and be more forgetful of others. Women empathise and are communicative and caring by comparison. This view is disputed in this article, and an alternative set of hypotheses proposed.
Barres proposes that women are not advancing in science because of discrimination. This discrimination is intrinsic within society and occurs at every level for women. It includes girls being told that competitive sports make them too masculine, that girls don’t do science, and also involves women’s achievements being less recognized than men’s. For example, one study found that women applying for research grants needed to be 2.5 times more productive than men in order to be considered equally competent. It is also noted (and rightfully so) that women are as guilty of discriminating against other women as men are.
Lets take action then, and start ending this discrimination. Barres suggests a series of steps:-
1. Make academic and scientific institutions have more diverse leadership.
2. Run fair job searches, based on merit on an even playing field.
3. Speak out. End discrimination by speaking out against prejudice and being responsible for your own actions. Support those who do speak out.
4. Enhance fairness in any competitive scenarios. Awards, grant competitions, promotion competitions must be conducted fairly and by a diverse committee.
5. Teach young scientists the skills they need to thrive – self confidence, a strong sense of fairness, being a presence in a room, giving great presentations and dealing with academics.
Science may be a ‘popularity contest’ but if we all get together we can do something about it.
¿Qué opinan?
Bcl2 family
En la revista CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION de este mes, los artículos son sobre apoptosis y la familia de Bcl2.
August 2006 Volume 13 Number 8
August 2006 Volume 13 Number 8
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Modificaciones Postraduccionales
Cells often respond to changing conditions through the reversible covalent modification of
proteins and phospholipids. These modifications can be recognized by specific interaction domains, and this Poster provides an overview of various modifications and their interactions.
proteins and phospholipids. These modifications can be recognized by specific interaction domains, and this Poster provides an overview of various modifications and their interactions.
Friday, June 16, 2006
En este mes, Nature Genetics publicó un suplemento sobre microRNAs. Este suplemento nos muestra algunas estrategias para determinar la función biológica de los microRNAs y algunos de sus papeles en el desarrollo animal y en plantas.
En la carpeta del laboratorio están los artículos de Señalización del Cáncer.
En la carpeta del laboratorio están los artículos de Señalización del Cáncer.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Revision señalizacion en cancer
En el numero de Nature de esta semana viene una seccion dedicada a las vias de señalizacion en cancer. Aunque pueden acceder por biomedicas, la seccion es gratis desde cualquier computadora
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Articulo Smac
Les paso el link del ultimo articulo del laboratorio.
Es clinico, pero es importante que lo revisen
Es clinico, pero es importante que lo revisen
Como algunos saben, estamos interesado en la adipogenesis, de manera muy reciente.
Para los que quieran seguir un poco esto (Varenka, es obligatorio para ti) es importante revisar este articulo
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 7, 373-378 (May 2006). Lipid droplets: a unified view of a dynamic organelle.
Para los que quieran seguir un poco esto (Varenka, es obligatorio para ti) es importante revisar este articulo
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 7, 373-378 (May 2006). Lipid droplets: a unified view of a dynamic organelle.
Articulo revision
Por favor revisen este articulo
Good cop, bad cop: the different faces of NF-kB
Cell Death and Differentiation (2006), 1–14
Una revision reciente de NFkB por Gilmore.
Por favor revisen este articulo
Good cop, bad cop: the different faces of NF-kB
Cell Death and Differentiation (2006), 1–14
Una revision reciente de NFkB por Gilmore.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Jenjibre contra el cáncer
Hola, alguien todavía revisa este blog?? En fin, me encontré con esta nota y puede que les interese:
Cientificos de la Universidad de Michigan encontraron que los principios activos del jengibre podrian ser utilizados para combatir las células cancerosas del cáncer de la matriz. Los principios activos del jengibre hacen que las células cancerosas mueran y no creen resistencia a las quimioterapias; esta planta del lejano oriente y utilizada en la medicina china durante mucho tiempo, trae nuevas esperanzas en la lucha contra este mal. Para leer más, la dirección es ésta:
O haz clic en la imagen y te llevará directo a la página:

Cientificos de la Universidad de Michigan encontraron que los principios activos del jengibre podrian ser utilizados para combatir las células cancerosas del cáncer de la matriz. Los principios activos del jengibre hacen que las células cancerosas mueran y no creen resistencia a las quimioterapias; esta planta del lejano oriente y utilizada en la medicina china durante mucho tiempo, trae nuevas esperanzas en la lucha contra este mal. Para leer más, la dirección es ésta:
O haz clic en la imagen y te llevará directo a la página:
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